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Women Who Build Empires

Feb 12, 2021

Serial entrepreneur, Luca Senatore is the CEO of Genie Goals where he helps his clients make a difference in the world. Luca’s story is an incredible one where at the age of 25 with only £65 in his pocket and not speaking a word of English except ‘hello’, he left Italy and moved to the UK. Luca shares how he started as a dishwasher, then a server and then he became an entrepreneur. 

He also pays it forward by supporting charitable projects for women and providing water solutions to a place in East Africa, through CAMFED and Well Aware World, respectively. 


  • Who is Luca Senatore? (...Hear it straight from him about his struggles and how he became an entrepreneur.)  
  • How does Luca manage all his businesses? (...What are the 3 categories of things that shouldn't be on your to-do list so that you can manage well?)  
  • How is Luca Senatore helping people make an impact on the world?
  • What is it to become a true leader?
  • What is Organic Marketing? (...How can we drive traffic through beliefs, through content, through leadership, through standing up for something?)
  • How to get access to the Three Steps Organic Marketing Strategy Training that can generate 120k in Sales?
  • A look into Luca Senatore’s charitable programs.


The Book - THE AGENCY: BUILD - GROW - REPEAT: How to Build a Remarkable Agency Business that Wins and Keeps Clients by Luca Senatore

Get access to the VIP Training with Luca Senatore




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